The City of Chinchon is located about 45 km. southeast of the capital, Madrid. The term covers an area of 115.9 km ².
How to get there by car
Access roads from Madrid:
- A-3 to Arganda's bridge with right signposted in the M-311-313 road, which passes near Morata de Tajuña to Chinchón, winding route on its last sections.
- R-3 to the height of Perales de Tajuña.
- A-4 to the junction with highway M-404 Navalcarnero-Chinchón, passing Ciempozuelos and Titulcia, with a straighter path. There are more paths to the City of Chinchon, and come from the surrounding villages.
Bus services
From Madrid there is a good bus service every hour, by the carrier "La Veloz", which starts in Plaza Conde Casal, head of the highway N-III Madrid-Valencia. This is the 337 bus line Madrid-Chinchón-Valdelaguna.
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